I think I’m learning to distinguish between what’s coming from heart and what from ego – even if I’m still struggling to act on it. And I think, bumpy as it’s been, you’ve almost single-handedly got me to that point. Not sure where I go from here, but I feel less afraid than I did.
JB PhD Student
I think a lot, and I have lots of different ideas. I used to think I was quite good at understanding people and giving useful advice.
What I have learned though, is that it is not important what I think or what ideas I have, even if I think they are brilliant! Rather it is my ability to question intelligently and openly – to provide a catalyst – for your own thoughts, feelings and beliefs to emerge, be viewed objectively, be sorted, sifted, questioned and tested as to their veracity and usefulness.
Once there is clarity and understanding, the path opens up before you. The costs and benefits of your choices become clearer. It is only when you truly engage with your own ideas, that the motivation for movement and change occurs.
Job done, then? Sometimes, yes. I am in awe of some of the clients with whom I work, who are able to get clarity and march boldly into the future.
At other times – and this has been true in my own life, it has not been so straightforward. It’s the time for the inner demons to emerge to play.
“I’m not good enough, smart enough, tenacious enough, what will people think of me? I don’t want to be judged”.
At times like this it can be helpful to have someone who believes in you. Someone who has ‘got your back’ and who is there to encourage and support, and occasionally administer a deft kick up the behind.
I have been both very brave and very frightened at times in my life. I have taken three steps forward and two back, and occasionally I have taken two steps forward and three back.
I have been very blessed to have worked with a wonderful coach and mentor who embodies the qualities I have detailed in my mind map.
This is the kind of coach I strive to be.

The most important lesson I have learned as a coach is summed up in the quote below:

Art by Jenny Reyneke.
Coaching in Business
Coaching is now widely used in business, in career development, in sports and the arts. It can be used to great effect by both individuals, groups and organisations, and is increasingly used in developing leadership skills. Coaching helps aspiring leaders to become more effective in both their own work and in developing and managing others. Coaching can be an extremely cost effective way of increasing productivity in the workplace.
I give talks, demonstrations or workshops to groups or businesses.
Action Learning
Action Learning is a proven, powerful method of coaching groups, making it a cost effective option where individual coaching is not possible, and a great way to team build in your organisation.
I am employed as Action Learning Facilitator for WRoCAH – the White Rose College of Arts and Humanities of Leeds, Sheffield and York Universities, who fund gifted PhD students.
I am experienced in phone/skype/facetime coaching as well as working face to face.
“Julie is more than I ever thought a life coach could be. I really didn’t know what to expect from our sessions, but I was at a crossroads in my life, and I needed someone to help me make some changes. Julie was open, honest, and thoughtful right from the very start. She very quickly and skillfully detangled all of my questions and like a laser beam got to the very heart of what I needed to do. I was stunned that someone could know me so well in less than an hour! I was also overwhelmed with relief that Julie discovered the very core of my roadblock. Once we got to the heart of the matter, we spent the next few sessions coming up with solutions to help me get past what had been holding me back. She helped me to see that I had the tools within me to make my life be just as I want it to be. Julie’s compassion, empathy, and deep commitment to her clients make her not only a brilliant life coach, but also a healer. I would whole-heartedly recommend Julie: she has a rare and special gift absolutely everyone should experience. She has changed my life for the better.”
Cyndi Carleton, Singer/Actor, Canada
For further information on Coaching, or Action Learning Coaching Sets:
Action Learning
2008: Accredited Relational Dynamics Coaching Course (an ILM 7 equivalent course). Qualifying with distinction.
Jointly accredited by Relational Dynamics 1st Accredited Coaching Training and Performance Coach Training Ltd (founded by Carol Wilson and Sir John Whitmore)
This course is different from traditional coaching skill training. It expands distinctly into the arena of relational dynamics (our interactions with and understanding of, self and others). This training is multi-functional and I use it to enhance leadership, facilitation and mentoring skills. It qualifies me to practice as a Relational Dynamic Coach on a 1 to 1 basis.